Just give a miss call on : 9222 001 004  |   | Mon to Sat  |  10.00 AM to 7.00 PM


Registration charge is the fees charged by clubresale towards the platform created to sell or buy a membership.
Registration charge is NON REFUNDABLE
A timeshare is a property with a particular form of ownership or use rights. These properties are typically resort condominium units, in which multiple parties hold rights to use the property, and each sharer is allotted a period of time (typically one week and almost always the same time every year) in which they may use the property. Units may be on a partial ownership, lease, or "right to use" basis, in which the sharer holds no claim to ownership of the property.
Yes. in all memberships transfer provision is there, so the transfer happens officially.
Usually it takes 15 to 30 working days for the process of transfer & generate a new membership number or it will depend on clubs/companies policy
Yes you will get a new membership card & certificate.
Please call our help line on 9222 001 004 & we will be happy to assist you.

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